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Your client VPN tunnels are experiencing high latency or slower throughput than expected. For instance, file transfers through the VPN tunnel take extended periods of time, or client requests such as telnet or FTP receive slow responses.

VPN Client performance depends on several factors including processor (CPU) power, levels of encryption, Internet connection bandwidth, and others. Use the following information to troubleshoot VPN performance issues:

The following items affect VPN performance
On the client

    • CPU processing power of the client computer.
    • Bandwidth (speed) of the Internet connection.
On the server
    • CPU processing power of the firewall/VPN server.
    • The VPN Policy being used for the tunnel such as encryption and integrity level, data compression, and rekey intervals.
    • Proxy analysis of packets (configuration of rules to pass traffic to the proxy services).
    • NAT types, if being used.
    • The patch level of the firewall/VPN server.